Saturday, October 11, 2008


"Never question if you are in love or not, because if you were you wouldn't need to ask."

True love is so precious that it is said, "If you find true love, make sure you learn to keep it."

"There are two kinds of sparks, the one that goes off with a hitch like a match, but it burns quickly. The other is the kind that needs time, but when the flame strikes... it's eternal, don't forget that."

"Sometimes the one thing you are looking for is the one thing you can't see."

"Nothing compares with the finding of true love; because once you do your heart is complete."

"We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love."

"You fail to see the one who loves you standing right in front as does she fail to see you love her in turn. Don't wait to tell her, because it might be to late then."

"It is better to go for someone who loves you, rather than someone who you love."

“I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.”