Saturday, November 7, 2009

self reflection

waiting is the most terrible part of everything.

when we wait for something, really hope for that, but it never turn really dissappointing rite????hahahaha...

so, dont wait just follow the time...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


hye to all...
lame gile rase xupdate blog nih..since bz gile dgn schedule assignments n far alhamdulillah tggl lg 2 paper skill n gender..n then wedding abg pn da abes n everything run smoothly...congrats to my brother and his wife...when is my turn?? comment
now nih mood tgh happy...mybe ive known this one guy n he is really turn my life into happy mode..thnx to Mr S..... you make my life happy.thnx for being there when i need you..thnx for being my supporter when i really need it..thnx for being my saviour....thnx for everything my dear.
hahaha..rse cm hampeh je kn..but i dont know..when he gave his words to me it will somehow motivate me to do anything that i want..enough kilod..please control yourself..mybe i've got the simptoms..but i have to be careful with it...based on my friends' experience its normal..but u have to bare with the consequences later...
hehehhe...k la...wanna continue study..goodluck to all my friends who are having exam....