Monday, March 2, 2009


its been a long time not updating my blog
so busy with my life as mktb+UM students
hv to go to sports day n also
at da same time go to class coz attendance is compulsory...
as da 1 who is responsible for da class
i hv to find out about da info for class 2mrw
but i get confuse after so many questions being asked by my coursemate...
i dun know why there is an orgaization dat is not able to plan the programme well.
if they want to organize such programme u hv to plan it well n make sure dat all ppl know about it...
only then ppl confidently go without any hesitationas the result,KK and the assisstant will da victim..
poor them..
no la,,
juz wanted to ponder on certain things
n it really needs to be improved...


MH said...

life is hard when we think it's not...
sape la leader nyer kn, buat keje hambar nk mampos...